Nonton TV online SCTV live streaming HD di Android iPad

SCTV live streaming HD di Android iPad - As one of the oldest private television station in Indonesia, SCTV is committed to continue delivering the best and quality programs for the community. In addition they also became a role model for other local TV stations.

A little review of the history of the SCTV that where in August 1990 airing of broadcasts which only covers an area of Gresik, Bangkalan, Mojokerto, Surabaya, Sidoarjo and Lamongan, a year later broadcast beam expanded to include the paradise island of Bali and the surrounding area.
It was only in 1993 SCTV officially receive national broadcast rights to the entire territory of Indonesia and up to now has been able to reach 240 cities and reaching approximately more than 175 million potential viewers. Meanwhile, to anticipate technological developments, the company has been providing services SCTV Stream in which these services can be enjoyed free of charge via Internet access.

 Do not forget to tell your friends that here is a place to watch SCTV good online and can be accessed via Smartphone hp android, ios, or tablet pc and ipad.