Nonton Rajawali TV Online RTV Live Streaming Indonesia

Watch RTV TV Online Rajawali Live Streaming Indonesia - BChannel television station changed its name so Rajawali Television is the popular name nowadays Indonesian TV RTV. Networked national television that has aired in over 30 cities throughout Indonesia, at the launch on Saturday 3 May 2014.

One of the arguments that is due to the determination of the name Eagles eagle symbolizes the capability in space, outside the Rajawali also the name of the parent company Rajawali Television. RTV will be managed by a principle entirely filled by the stakeholders, whether employees or shareholders most of the Rajawali Group.

RTV always improve themselves both in quality broadcast programs, as well as within the reach of broadcast such as the compass TV. For people who use pay TV, RTV can already be enjoyed in Telkomvision, Aora, Firstmedia, Skynindo, Nexmedia, TopasTV, BigTV and Max3 Biznet.

As well as television focus on entertainment category, with the ultimate goal of the family from children to adults, with emphasis on women without leaving the male viewers. Today you can watch live via the Internet through online streaming RTV.